Ike, having essentially no judgments based on backgrounds whatsoever, hears her accent in a Base Conversation and merely asks if she can fight. At her start in Path of Radiance however, she has deep shame about being a simple country girl and takes steps to hide herself, especially when it comes to her manner of countryside speech. Nephenee appears to be a capable and beautiful soldier, with many of her comrades making statements in regards to her likable traits. When Ashera casts her judgment upon Tellius, Nephenee is one of the many characters spared from the resulting petrification and therefore is a possible candidate to be brought into the Tower of Guidance.Īfter Ashera is defeated, Nephenee returns to her family in Melior and frequently participates in battles when the need arises. Afterwards, they pay a visit to the royal palace in Melior to alert Elincia about the rebel uprising taking place within Crimea.Īlong with Brom, Nephenee later joins the Laguz Alliance in Part 3 and aids her old allies from the previous war. Once again, Nephenee is forced to take up arms alongside Brom when the two of them work to quell a local rebellion against Queen Elincia that is instigated by Ludveck's subordinate, Yeardley, who had incited the young men of the village. Nephenee remains in Ike's army until the game reaches its conclusion before returning to her home in the countryside, where she lives a peaceful life for several years. She expresses her gratitude by joining their ranks. 7 Choose Your Legends Placement HistoryĪfter being captured by Daein soldiers and held as a captive in a prison camp at Castle Canteus alongside Kieran, Brom, and Sephiran, Nephenee is rescued by Ike and the Greil Mercenaries.These are all of the 42 in game factions (as of version 1. Be loyal and earn promotions and new equipment based on your rank. Join a king's or lord's army as a soldier for weekly wages. And many unique historically based reconstructions of real places! Custom region based scenes for castles, towns and villages.Speed while travelling in sea vary based on the weather. New improved Tournament system with 1vs1 jousting tournaments and team based tournaments, which offer more gold than vanilla warband.New Companion system improved and remade with an easy interface for recruiting.

New optional lance recruitment system, aiming to emulate medieval feudal recruitment system.Join a crusader order as sergeant or a knight!.Crusading system: Join a crusade or start one yourself!.

Custom battle scenes, realistically depicting each region of Europe from barren desserts, palm filled oasis, european swamps, open steppe battlefields, mediterranean plains, snowy gorges, frozen lakes, thick german forests.